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librarians without borders造句

  • "' Librarians Without Borders "'is an international nonprofit organization with headquarters located in London, Ontario.
  • Librarians Without Borders seeks to provide access to information in communities world-wide by creating partnerships with local people and local librarians.
  • Librarians Without Borders engage in a number of outreach programs created to inspire a love of learning, community engagement and citizen scientists.
  • Some of these groups include MLIS Student Council, Librarians Without Borders, Special Libraries Association, Student Librarians Association for Children and Youth Services ( SLACYS ), Association of Canadian Archivists ( ACA ) and the Art Libraries Society of North America ( ARLIS / NA ).
  • It's difficult to see librarians without borders in a sentence. 用librarians without borders造句挺难的
如何用librarians without borders造句,用librarians without borders造句librarians without borders in a sentence, 用librarians without borders造句和librarians without borders的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。